Thursday, August 12, 2010

Geocaching - 8/5/10

The other day my mother, father, and I went out caching in Red Rock Canyon, in Las Vegas, Nevada.  We have become very familiar with the trails in Red Rock, and one of our favorite trails is First Creek Trail.  After a bit of research, I found many caches placed along this trail, so I loaded the coordinates, got packed up, and we were off!

Upon arriving we found some "easy" caches scattered near the roadside.  As a matter of fact, mom found the first one hidden under a Snail statue!  Once we made it to First Creek, we parked and began our trek! During this set of caches we came across two new aspects of geocaching.  The first being the fact that caches are not always on the ground! After a small hike we found ourselves in a patch of trees, which seem very odd in Red Rock.  The GPSr began to use satellite strength but gave us a general direction and lead us right to the cache! All we had to do was look up, and there it was!

The next cache was located near the falls and a small pond that attracts many viewers.  We have accidentally found this water hole many times so we were not "surprised" by it, but were more eager to find the cache! After an hour of searching and reading the clues over and over again, we finally had to take a break.  This begin the second new aspect of geocaching, which is caching allows you to do things that otherwise you would've never done!  In one of the bushes was an old crawfish pot or so it seemed, which dad fixed and got back into working order.  Using some twine from a tree and the string from dad's shorts, we were able to make a working fishing pot with line and all! Last but not least we added some bread to the bottom of the pot and let it sit at the bottom of the pond.  Within minutes dozens of goldfish attacked the pot but were not heavy enough to activate the top of the cage, so no goldfish were caught.  However there were 3 crawfish stuck on the top!  I slowly pulled the pot in, being careful so that the string attached didn't break.  And after a bit of pulling we had successfully caught 3 crawfish!  They were very eager to get out, in fact one climbed right out before I could pick the cage up.  The other two were stuck in there and we got a closer look! Just think, if we were stranded there, we could probably eat for days of the fish in that pond and the cage we found!

After having fun looking at the crawfish we gently placed them back onto the ground, and they crawled back to the water.  Two crawfish even "fought" over a piece of bread floating, you couldn't see something like that on the Discovery Channel!  After our little fishing experience, we read the description of the cache and the clue again.  Then within five minutes, we found it! After signing the log book and placing the cache back, we moved on!  By the end of the trip, an approximate 5 hour round trip hike, we left with 5 log books signed and moved from 7 total caches found to 12!

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